Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

The Second National Seminar of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation

Sponsored by the Brazilian Religious Conference, May, 2016


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Sister Giulliane Maria from Our Lady of Aparecida Province had the privilege of participating in the Second National Seminar of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation sponsored by the Brazilian Religious Conference this May in Brasilia.  Sister along with two other religious attended this seminar and will be responsible for reporting back at a regional meeting the outcome of the seminar.  In addition Sister Giulliane Maria will share what she learned with the sisters of the province so they too can live and witness to JPIC values.

The seminar brought together religious, clergy, laity and scholars from twenty different states and from the Federal District to reflect on social rights, democracy and what it means to promote life to the full for all.

The aims of the seminar were:

  1. To come to a common understanding of what the challenges are at the present time within the Brazilian political and social situation in the light of the social teachings of the Church.
  2. To see the connections between Laudato Si’, the General Guidelines for Evangelization in Brazil, and the Fraternity Campaign of 2016.
  3. To identify the resources we have to help people deal with the current crisis, to strengthen democracy, face inequalities and to speak and act prophetically at a national level.

There were many rich moments of sharing that resulted in written documents that were sent to the members of the Brazilian Episcopate and to the Major Superiors of Institutes of Consecrated Life regarding the sociopolitical situation in Brazil.  Members were motivated and challenged to build alliances for the good which will support the poor and advance the reign of justice, peace and the integrity of creation.

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